beauty wrought by grief

this weekend it felt like blinders were removed from my eyes
and I could see clearly 
some of the beautiful things God is doing in my life through grief

my heart,
crushed by grief,
holds abundantly more love

my joy,
brought to trial by grief,
has a stronger testimony

my hope, 
threatened by grief,
has a deeper foundation

my peace,
taunted by grief,
hears whispers of encouragement and comfort more readily

my outlook, 
changed by grief,
is definitely more upward and outward 

common sense says that when something is shattered there will be less 
but somehow, in my brokenness, 
God is making more 

do not get me wrong
I miss my husband deeply 
I am not saying things are easy 
I am not saying I am "all better" now
I am saying that grief has given more than it has taken from me


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