Living Option B

Option B is the title of a book I learned about after chapel last Tuesday. Someone stopped me and said "Hey I read this book as part of my book club. I am not saying you need to read it, but you kept coming to my mind as I read it." He gave me a brief introduction to the author. A woman who found herself a sudden widow. In our few minute conversation he repeatedly assured me he wasn't saying he thought I needed to read it, but he did think I might find it interesting. I asked him if he still had the book. When he replied yes I asked if I could borrow it. I told him, "I am not promising I will read it, but if you will let me borrow it I will look at it."

For almost a week now I have been mulling over the thought of Option B and what that means in my life.

Option B is not Option A. 

At first glance it suggests moving on. Perhaps even settling for less. 

I have no idea of what the book will be like, but I know for sure I have been living Option B for a very long time. 

Long before I became a widow. 

Option A is what I was living before I ever saw Bill. He became plan A. I was not patient and went on to plan B. And C. And D. Worked myself right through the alphabet. Option A had me in charge and led to far too many bad plans.

Option B began after Bill and I were married. When I learned what it meant to be a Christ follower and decided to become one. Option B made Jesus not only Savior, but Lord of my life. Option B is what has enabled me to navigate the road of life for most of the last 39 years with peace, joy and confidence, even when the world around me has been falling apart. When troubles surround me. When grief or sorrow are constant companions. Why? Because I know that though I cannot see and make sense of what is going on God sees and knows. He has an eternal plan that He is working. He is faithful. He is true. He is good. He is Love. He is trustworthy. Choosing Option B was far from settling for less. It is the best decision I ever made.


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