a labor of love

5,009 mi
Distance from Grayson to Salekhard

that is how far away Deborah and her family live from me
the last time they were home was September 2016
I normally don't think about the distance because it's easier not to
today there was no escaping the matter of distance though
it was pack a Christmas (and other essentials) box for the Markey's Day

see that box at the end of the table on the left?
see all of those piles to the right?
today's goal was to get all that was right in the left
but first, 
coffee, grape juice and grits

next, unpack the boxes and bags and prioritize/organize

after lunch,
the first half of the mission was accomplished

the only things that didn't make it into the box?

and the original packing which filled a 39 gallon trash bag, plus 

phase two:
fill out the customs form
load the box into the trunk
drive to the post office
stop a man who is leaving and ask him to hold the door open
unload the box 
carry it inside
heave it onto the counter in the middle of the room
wait for my turn
wrestle the box to the scales and begin answering questions:
"is there anything hazardous, liquid, potentially harmful, etc.."
what clothes are in the box 
(I had simply put a number and the weight)
receive the price for postage
ask how much it would be to upgrade to express
Call Deborah (this was a first while mailing a package) because the postal code I've always used doesn't match the one in "the" postal code book the worker is looking in so she can answer my question

Postal worker, about half way through the process:
"how long does it take to get there Priority?"
"It can take six weeks. Priority express can take three"
she heard me
she cared
she renewed her effort to find my answer with vigor
20 minutes later she determined that express is not an option this time

I pay the postage fee
I go to car with receipt and a copy of the customs form
I rejoice because it is sent

I call Deborah to let her know 38lbs 8.2 oz of fun is headed her way
and marvel that I can sit in my car and talk to her
she is more than 5,000 miles away and 10 hours ahead

I began the process at 11 this morning
I took an hour and a half for lunch and a visit with a friend
I finished a little after 3
it wasn't work,
it was a labor of love

Phase 3
when I got home I took the trash can to the front for pick up in the morning
thinking about the package
praying it makes it intact and safely
hoping against the odds it might make it for Christmas
singing Lauren Daigle's "I will Trust in You"
and something catches my eye...
a shiny penny
a reminder that my trust is not misplaced
"In God we Trust" looking up at me

He sees
He knows
He cares, even about packages
He will do what is best
He will carry my burden of concern if I let Him
it isn't work for Him,
it is a labor of love


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