when nothing becomes something special

Friday nothing happened
all day,
absolutely nothing happened
I didn't see anything 
I didn't hear anything
there wasn't a memory that came up to torment me
and that is what made it maddening
the frustration
the lethargy
the anger
the tears
the desire to hibernate, 
to hide away until there is sun shining

I know gray days are still days that must be lived
I don't want to waste one of them any more than I want to waste a bright one,
but on this gray, gray Friday I was wasting the day
I had zero to negative motivation to do anything
I spent 90% of my waking hours on the couch
with my computer or a book
and it wasn't because I was resting
it was because I was checking out 

at 4:00 I fed the dogs and closed the blinds
at 4:30 I was ready to head to bed but knew it was too early
at 5 a friend asked if I wanted to join her at the art show tonight
a friend of ours roasts coffee 
they were featuring his brew as part of the refreshments
and though after 5 is much too late for me to be drinking caffeine,
I agreed to go with her 
I knew being home alone this evening was not healthy for me
her invitation helped me do do what I needed to do-
get up off my hind end and do something

a few minutes later her husband and she came to the house,
we visited in my family room then walked across the street to the art show
we chose our favorite art piece and marked it with a star
we ate tasty soup and desserts
we drank some delicious coffee
we listened to live country music and people watched
nothing more than that happened,
but it was enough-
enough to pull me out of the funk I was in all day

by 7 we were done with art and music
but none of us were ready to call it a night
Grayson doesn't have a lot of options for entertainment
and we didn't need anything from Ashland
so we went to Dollar Tree and Kmart and rambled
between the three of us we may have spent $20 in 2 hours
when we pulled into my drive we decided we were hungry 
Ron backed the car out and we ended up at Arby's for a late dinner
they dropped me off close to 10 and I began writing 

today or tomorrow or the next day,
if you are me from yesterday and a friend invites you out,
you may not stay out long,
but leaving the house may be helpful
if you are my friend wondering if you should ask-
be sensitive
don't be offended if plans change
it may be a quick trip to grab a coffee or a soda
or it might end up being an evening spent doing "nothing"

tonight I am reminded of a simple truth:
it doesn't take "doing something special" 
to make something special happen

Saturday morning P.S.
It is another very grey, rainy day. Grey enough it looks like dusk. A mirror of yesterday. I don't want and can't afford a repeat. The one thing I needed to get done Friday afternoon was left undone because I didn't get off the couch except to get food and take potty breaks. I cannot put it off another day. I am heading out to clean the church.
Which isn't the church, not really. It's simply a building where the church meets for corporate worship. We, believers, are the church. While I clean the building I will be asking God to search and clean my heart and probably do a little worship of my own while I sweep, mop, clean toilets, dust, take out trash etc. 
I can't help but wonder what "nothing" will become "something special" today?


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