gut punched by a FB memory...

just sitting here on this Thursday night, 
minding my own business
looking at Facebook
and decide it's safe to explore my "memories"
I scroll down one by one, 
remembering the events mentioned  
smiling at some,
reminded of God's faithfulness by others
recalling my Tastefully Simple and Gold Canyon Open House days,
until the last memory mentioned today- 
a gem from 2010 that hit me in the gut 
and took my breath away for a moment:

I love you very much and I praise God we were married 400 months ago today!!

this was so like Bill-
it was posted at 1:18 AM 
which means he was probably in his office at KCU working 
and I was at the house
wishing he was here with me
numbers were his thing
he liked to  catch me off guard like this
it was one way he said "I love you"
oh how I miss that man, his attention to detail,
and the ways he expressed his love for me...
I wish we'd had another 400 months


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