Lessons from Leaves

I remember I was headed north on 77 and a storm was brewing.
I was hoping to arrive at my best friends house before it hit.
Concentrating on the highway and the menacing clouds, out of the corner of my eye,
quivering leaves
caught my attention-
not because they appeared frail or frightened-
rather they were full of life and excitement that couldn't be contained.
The trees they were attached to were slender, the limbs almost wispy.
Much like a child who has something to share they shouted,
 "Look at me!
                         Look AT ME!
                                                 LOOK AT ME!"
They held firm, moving with the wind as it gusted; slowed; swirled.
When it was time, they let loose and with reckless abandon danced their way to the ground.

A little farther down the road I saw an oak with its cumbersome limbs barely moving.
I laughed and shook my head because I thought it was trying to be a copycat.
It looked like a lumbering giant trying to practice delicate ballet!

Later I realized it was dancing its own dance.
The leaves didn't quiver, they were not delicate and they were not a beautiful silver reflecting light-they were dull brown ;
obviously bereft of life.
Yet how could they really be dead if they tenaciously held fast?
I knew they would continue to do so until spring.

The oak sways and dances a different dance-
a dance of perseverance;
All the long winter its leaves whisper,
"hold fast"

The first tree teaches me to live life.
Don't hold too tightly when it is time to let go, let go,
but until then, when you have the opportunity, dance with reckless aboandon!
The oak teaches me:
Your time of release is coming; but until then, hang on tight.
Even when it appears to others that you are not useful, hang on!
When it is time, God will release you to join the others who have gone before.
Until then remember that God loves you.
Be patient.
Spring is coming
God is good.
God is faithful.
God keeps His promises.
God is never late.

Two different trees.
One appearing only delicate.
One appearing only sturdy.
Both with value.
Both with beauty.
Both living life as God designed and planned.

It was a powerful lesson for me that day.
I have come to the realization that it is satisfying
to live the life and dance the dance that is mine.
Sometimes the dance changes,
but the dance is always beautiful when I dance with the Lord.
(written 11/2009 revised 9/2012)


  1. Amazing momma d as always and I am thankful that your life dance was for a short time part of my life dance ;) your friendship,love, knowledge and patience not to mention u heart has been an beautiful dance I have been honored to witness. Love u


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