Upgrades and Updates


I have never been a trend setter or follower.
It took a while for Ruth and Andrew to talk me into upgrading from my old RZR to an iphone4.
I am sure there are features I am not taking advantage of because I do not know about them while there are several I depend on-contacts, calander, notes, ESPN Fantasy Footbal, you Version Bible ap.

I got a notice today that I could get the iso6 update.

Yesterday on our way home from a game the soccer coach was talking about how great it is.
The girls on the van  were exploring some of the features.
I asked Andrew if it was a good thing.
He downloaded the update last night.
He warned me it would take awhile but assured me it would be good.

I pushed the yes button to download the update.
I went on about my business.
I checked on the progress after about an hour.
The screen was black and when I pushed the button that normally causes the screen to light up there was no response.
I figured after it downloaded the upgrade my phone turned itself off and, like a computer, I simply had to turn it back on to restart.
I pushed the button to turn it on, anxious to see what the new features were like!

The screen said I had to sign into itunes.
The screen said my phone had to be restored.
If I restored the phone it would return to factory settings.
I did not want to do that because I would lose everything I had on my phone.
All of my contacts.
All of the information on my calender.
All of my "notes".
All of my pictures.
All of my videos, including :
Abigail looking at the Christmas lights at Central Park last Christmas
Abigail dancing before they went back to Kyrgyzstan
Andrew "just dance"-ing in his blue footed sleeper
Slip and slide footage from Jonathan and Andrew's graduation celebration in May
Bre singing Amazing Grace with my nephew Jeremy
Mike's baptism.
Some things are irreplaceable!

Rather than choose restore, I turned my phone "off" and "on" again.

Several times.

With the same result-the itune screen.

I was left with a choice-
Don't restore, resulting in a phone that is useless
or push restore and hope that when the process is done my stuff will be on my phone.
If it doesn't, I will basically have a "new" phone and I will have to start from scratch.
I am currently waiting for iphone software to download.
It is a two hour process.

Bill got the same message for the update.
I tried to warn him,
Ruth encouraged him to go for it.
He is having dramatically different results,
his update is working as it is supposed to,
and he has the simple iphone3!

It isn't fair.

I have to admit something.
Sometimes I feel like "If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all."

The truth is:
my life does not depend on luck at all!

The truth is:
I am glad life is not fair-I would not want to get everything I deserve.

The truth is:
I ask myself "Why me? "
                      Why is God interested in an intimate relationship with me?
                      Why did God, in His kindness, call me to repentance?
                      Why did God forgive me?
                      Why did God adopt me?
                      Why does God love me?

ps-I did lose everything on my phone. Little by little I will rebuild my contact list, my calendar,  etc.

The truth is: no thing is irreplaceable.


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