slip slidin'

KCU Cafeteria was serving boneless wings and "Big Macs" for dinner tonight.
A whole lot better option than the pb&j or canned soup that waited at home!
It was very delicious.

The brownies and desert croissants looked good so I went up and put one croissant and the smallest brownie I could find on a plate to share with Bill. We are both trying to eat smarter. I was two tables away from where we were sitting and the next thing I knew the plate flew out of my hand, the brownie and croissant landed under a chair, as my left foot went forward and I came down hard on my right knee and left hand. It happened beside the table full of football coaches- they were all very concerned, kind and immediately were by my side to make sure I was okay. One of my boys came and took the plate and defiled desserts. One of the coaches immediately stopped a cafe worker to get something to dry up the water that had caused my fall. Several of my kids came and checked on me, one of them sent me a text.

I was embarrassed.
My pride was hurt.
Because I thought I should have been able to prevent the fall.
If I had seen the water I would have avoided it.
But I didn't see it.
I was an unwilling participant in "an accident waiting to happen".

As I sit here thinking about it I realize that sometimes people (me included) find themselves in that kind of a situation spiritually. Sometimes I don't see the danger and find myself "on the floor", embarrassed by the fall. The important thing at that point is my reaction-stay down and wallow in the mess, or get up, brush myself off and check for injury. The difference between a physical fall and a spiritual fall is that spiritual recovery has to include repentance- an honest look at what caused the fall, admitting the sin which caused it, asking forgiveness from those involved (God plus any individual) and then continuing to live life, determined to be watchful for that situation to not be replicated.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

 1 John 1:9 (NASB)


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