The Walmart Promise

For the last month, every time I go to Walmart or Kmart I go to the lawn and garden section. I walk up and down every aisle. Every trip. Every aisle. Looking, smelling, longing, remembering. I know it is the Lawn and Garden section not because of what has filled the shelves recently, but because I know what will fill the shelves soon. Slowly the stores surplus and Christmas clearance is being replaced by items that announce quietly but boldly, Spring is coming. That was confirmed last night at Walmart. Before I went in to walk and shop, I took this picture, standing in the dark, in the cold, in the drizzle, not caring who might see nor what they thought, because my heart was encouraged by this sight. Spring really is coming.

The outdoor lawn and garden area has been roped off. Stacks of cement block are strategically placed. Soon boards will straddle the stacks, making display shelves. I am ready for daffodils and tulips and hardy pansies to make their appearance any day now and for mulch, sand, potting soil, pavers, landscaping timbers and more to fill the outer area. Winter will come to an end.

“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And summer and winter,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:22


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