thoughts, words (spoken and unspoken) prompted by funerals...

I spent my afternoon at the calling hours, funeral, cemetery service and funeral dinner of a stranger. Why? Because I love his daughters and have worked weeks of camp at Round Lake with them. One of his granddaughters found a place in my heart while she was a student at KCU. It's interesting what you hear if you are quiet and simply listen. Sometimes I shake my head in wonder at what is said aloud. And sometimes what isn't said speaks volumes.

Tonight all I hear pounding in my head are words I have never heard spoken...

"I wish we hadn't taken that last vacation together."

"I am thankful I hung onto bitterness and anger."

"If I could take back all of the times I said 'I love you'" I would, in a heartbeat."

"Forgiving them or asking for forgiveness would have been a mistake."

"I am happy I put off calling them until it was too late."

"Putting work before family was the best thing I or they ever did."

"Allowing little things to drive big wedges was wise."

"Ignoring that nudge to go visit was a great decision."

"I'm glad I didn't tell them how much I appreciated them."

"I wish I hadn't loved them as deeply as I did."

"Having fun together was a waste of time and energy."

"We should have spent more time arguing."

"I am beyond thankful I never shared Jesus with them."

some of those statements would contradict our true feelings
some would be bald faced lies
tonight I am challenged to examine and evaluate my relationships
and do what I need to do
anyone want to join me?


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