never alone

every life experiences rain 
my little corner of the world had a lot of rain this week, I don't know if my backyard will ever be the same, it is  worse today

sooner or later every life includes brokenness 
I moved some things and this small gift brought back from Mexico by one of my children ended up a casualty Tuesday morning

every life has things show up in weird places
last Sunday I found this "WWJD" multi-bracelet kit in the road as I crossed College Street on my way home

winter life holds the promise of spring life
 But, in the middle of cold, drab, long, dark days it is sometimes hard to remember that God is at work in those hard places, preparing us for what lies ahead. Spring flowers arrive only after God has done His work on them as they lay buried in the dark soil. They need that time of dormancy to be ready for what comes next when they will be required to push their way up through the cold, hard soil, seeking the warmth and the face of the sun before blooming.
these crocus greeted me this morning as I checked my mailbox

there is comfort to be found in life as well
but sometimes we have to put forth a little effort to receive it
acknowledging we need it is a good first step
I have wanted a fire all week
but the tarp came off of 2/3 of the woodpile
and you saw the picture of my backyard
and I don't have a hearthrug yet
and I didn't need a fire to stay warm
and I didn't need a fire to save money
and I didn't have company coming 
and it is extra work
and it requires extra energy
and sometimes I don't think I am worth all of the bother
until tonight
there is nothing like the warmth and the comfort and the sense of well being that accompany sitting by a wood fire-be it in the stove or a fire pit. Since my fire pit looks like a small swimming pool, the wood stove in the family room was my choice this evening.

I don't know where you are in life, maybe in one or more of these places:
  • caught up in a storm that has changed the landscape of your life
  • in the middle of brokenness that cannot be restored
  • looking at something that showed up unexpectedly, trying to decide what you are supposed to do with it
  • holding onto the promise of spring in the midst of a long, hard winter
  • in need of comfort but not sure it is worth the effort to do what needs to be done to receive and enjoy it
I do know that we all face these things at one time or another.
I do know that the only way I can face them and keep facing them is to lean hard on Jesus.
I do know that God loves me and I know that He loves you and He longs to be in an intimate relationship with us so that we don't face any of it alone, even when we are by ourselves.


  1. Thank you. A gentle reminder that we are not alone in our struggles and there is purpose behind the pain.


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