enjoying hero status

I hate to brag,
but this my friends,
is the face of a bona fide hero

I was sitting in my favorite indoor spot Saturday afternoon,
enjoying the view.
I can't pinpoint how I knew,
but something was "off"
so I went to the back door to investigate

Ivy and Lady were laying in that back corner,
one along the chain link fence,
one along the board fence
very, very still which is unusual
normally they come running when I open the door
I noticed a dark blob in the tree
my first thought was
"oh no, they've cornered a possum"
so of course I put on my shoes and headed out to investigate

I was glad this face greeted me from the tree rather than a possum,
and I was thankful I was not looking at a dead cat in the yard.
I put the dogs in the house.
I was sure once the antagonists were out of the picture
it would come down and leave

my relief was short lived

let's face it friends, 
I am way past the age of tree climbing
the last time I remember doing that I was in elementary school.
I fell out of the tree and broke my arm
not shimmying up the tree limited my options

the cat wasn't more than 20 feet above me
my second choice,
since trying to call it down didn't work,
was to pick up stones and toss them toward it
hoping to disturb it enough to leave it's perch

it was a great thought
but the follow through was pitiful
I am embarrassed to admit this,
but only one of about 25 stones got even close
most didn't make it even halfway up

I had a brain storm
I went to the shed
I found the telescoping extension rod I used to paint the stairwell

it turned out to be the perfect tool
lightweight and long enough to prod the backend of the cat
as it began it's descent
it slipped and scrambled at one point,
but regained it's control and made it safely to the ground

it took off like a shot along the fence
it stopped and headed toward the playhouse
I shouted "no!, that's not a safe place"
the dogs have tunneled under it
I think it understood because it changed direction again,
made it's way toward the gate but not through it,
instead it ran onto the porch,
along the back wall,
over the edge 
and streaked down the opposite fence,
making it's way from my yard to the alley through a gap

and that, 
my friends,
is how I became a hero to an unappreciative cat


  1. Heros are made not born, in spite of what many think. You exemplify Ezekiel 36:24-28; 11:19-20. Your heart brims over. Love you because you are you!


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