healing update 1

here I sit.
and sit.
or lay.
like a slug. 
crossed with a sloth.

doctors orders are no BLTS at this point of healing/recovery
no bending
no lifting
no twisting 
no straining

and so I sit
and watch 
and listen
as simple tasks I normally do 
are done for me

fixing meals
taking care of my lawn
bringing in the mail 
sweeping the floor
loading the dishwasher
the list is endless

I am thankful for my sweet family and dear friends, for people who have "laid down their lives" (rearranged or laid aside their responsibilities and stepped into mine) so I can recover at home. And every text, call, message, card, gift, meal, visit, offer to help where and when needed is a precious gift.

But I'd be lying of I said this was easy, or that smile isn't a bit forced...

Keep praying friends, I'm doing well, but the process is slow and I don't want to mess it up by doing more than I am supposed to. 

*And if you love me, you will NOT pray patience for me. Life presents enough opportunities to exercise that particular trait without inviting more opportunities to practice it into our lives.


  1. Lol! Yes. I finally got wise enough to know better than to pray for patience!


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