sometimes you need reinforcements...

Sometimes the voices in my head shout so loudly it is difficult to focus on what is right. All evening a battle has raged of choosing

  • faith over fear
  • forgiveness over bitterness
  • love over like
  • caring over indifference
  • truth over feelings

I have wrestled to the point of exhaustion and surrender. 

Acknowledging I cannot fight this skirmish on my own, knowing it was best to not involve my children at this point, I sent a text to a friend asking if they had time to talk for a few minutes. After listening to my heart they asked if they could pray with me. 

No judgment. No "As a Christian I can't believe you feel this way" nor "In this situation you have every right to feel this way." 

Simply love. 
A true love that holds me up before the Father, asking Him to have his way in me so nothing ugly can take root.
"When I said, 'My foot is slipping,'
    your unfailing love, Lord, supported me."
Psalm 94:18

When I went out to check my mail today I discovered a box full of love from a different friend, sent to help my recovery after surgery Tuesday morning.
I have the best support system. 


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