Wild Hairs?

when my two boys were in high school I found my first chin hair
it was a little traumatic for all three of us
I have some Native American Indian ancestry
which means my children share those genes as well
my boys seemed to get more than their fair share 
and they were not happy that I got whiskers before them
I was not happy to have chin hair 
and would have gladly transferred my ability to them!
within the last few months I have found something that is worse,
something more unpleasant than thick, dark chin hair that grows overnight
silvery white chin hair
chin hair that is hard to see unless the light is just right,
which it never is in my house,
the last time Sarah was here we were in the car and she said 
"um, mom, remember you told me to tell you if I saw a hair?"...
and we forgot to pluck it before we got out of the car 
that means I shopped at several different stores looking like I needed a shave
so I have started a new habit
I am practicing looking thoughtful as I stroke my chin
so you will never know if I am pondering or checking for wild hairs...


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