even if

My surgery to remove the basal cell carcinoma was this morning.
The doctor was able to get all of it with the first go around.
When he looked at the slides, the margins were clear.
I shared the good news on FB not long after I received it.
I am thankful for all who who prayed.
I am thankful for all who are praising God with me.
"God is good" 
is a comment that was made repeatedly after I posted my update.
I cannot let tonight pass without agreeing, He is good,
and without adding words I hope will not be offensive
but even if they are,
I cannot rest until I speak these words that I believe with all my heart:
"Even if the news had been different, God would still be good."
Yes, it is easier to say those words when we get the news we want,
but we must understand this foundational truth:
our circumstances have no bearing on His goodness.

I went to biblegateway.com to look for a verse to end this post with. 
I think I'll just copy their verse for today.

"O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness."
Isaiah 25:1


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