still missing his smile

March 26, 2015, 

almost 7 months after Bill left earth,

I shared this post entitled Missing His Smile

The desire to see this smile in person 
is so deep tonight 
that my chest literally aches and feels weighted.
Tears run in rivulets down my cheeks
as I think about the impact this man had on my life.

What a blessing it is to have experienced love that is worth missing, 
to know that Bill has received the reward he worked so hard for, 
and to know without a doubt that as soon as he drew his last breath here on earth, 
he drew his first breath in heaven.
He is now at rest, at peace, in the presence of our great God. 

"Those who walk uprightly
    enter into peace;
they find rest as they lie in death."
Isaiah 57:2

Three years later
I realize that truth 
is always truth,
no matter how much time has passed,
regardless of how circumstances or situations change.

I am three years wiser. 
I realize in a way that is comforting,
not overwhelming,
that I will always miss the smile that made my heart melt into a puddle.
Even though I only see it in pictures now, it still does.
And it is not weird or unhealthy or mean I am "stuck".
It is confirmation that love never dies.


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