looking for a rainbow

one of the best things about campus ministry is the kids
one of the hardest things is they move on 
one of the best things is sometimes they come back to visit
I got one of those visits yesterday afternoon
and almost missed what it really was

as I waited for Kate 
it started to rain,
a steady, gentle summer rain

I enjoyed the beauty of it through the picture window
and was praying, 
thinking about how "stormy" my emotions have been recently
and when the sun burst through I raced through the back door,
into the still falling rain,
turning in a slow circle in my backyard,
my face turned upward, 
eyes glued to the sky,
looking for the rainbow I was sure to find
faint, or vivid, it wouldn't matter, 
I had confidence it would be there

after all, I had just been praying about how cloudy my spirit was feeling
and the sun broke through so suddenly and brightly,
God was definitely trying to get my attention and tell me something.
He had to have placed a rainbow overhead just for me,
all of the necessary components were there!

I desperately wanted a visible reminder that God keeps His promises
and I wanted to share the whole experience with Kate.

My search ended when she came through the back door.
I told her why I was standing in the rain.
"Did you find it?"
"No. We can back in the house."
I was sad. Disappointed. 
I felt a little cheated.
Why wasn't it there?

we visited for about an hour
catching up on what she and her husband are doing in their ministry
and what I am doing in mine

after she left, the rest of the day dangled in front of me
nothing more to look forward to 
and I began to get more and more sad

I thought
"I really wished I'd been given a rainbow this afternoon.
I know God keeps His promises,
and that He provides what I need,
and I don't need to see a rainbow to know that,
but it sure would have been nice to get one today."

I realized,
after I posted my blog last night (Doing nothing, together)
that I did indeed get a rainbow in the midst of the rain,
two as a matter of fact-
the first was my visit with Kate and the colors brightened when Tim joined us,
the second one came later in the day,
when my friends wrapped me up in their love while I was falling apart
and I have recieved more this morning, 
other friends inviting me to do nothing with them

God keeps His promises.

Today I am mulling over the following truth: 
A rainbow is more than a colorful band in the sky.
A rainbow is a reminder that God keeps His promises.

God has the power to send a "rainbow" 
without the rain
without the sun at the "right time"
even in the dark of night-
we just need to have eyes to see
ears to hear
and a heart to accept it

a hug
a card
a text
a message
a call
a sunrise
a sunset
a flower
a child's laughter
any of the beautiful experiences He provides.
I need to stop limiting what a rainbow looks like,
and not waste time wondering how many I've missed.
"Lord, please keep my eyes and ears and heart open to Your rainbows."


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