" with a cherry on top"

"pretty please, with a cherry on top!"
was a phrase I used as a child when I really wanted something special
yesterday and today I really wanted something,
but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was exactly
this afternoon it was revealed

I got a text from a dear friend
"send me picture of your feet"
I replied
"they are too ugly, I don't want to give you nightmares"
(we all need a friend we can have conversations like this with)
she answered
"I am on my way into town. Let's go get our toes done."
and immediately I knew what my heart wanted:
time with my friend who makes me laugh and likes to pamper me

I heard my doorbell a little later
when I answered, there she stood with a young girl
I asked if they had time to come in, 
she answered yes,
and asked if I wanted to go with them
she apologized for it being a last minute invitation
we were so busy gabbing, 
catching up, 
I never had the opportunity to answer her question

she thought I couldn't go, 
so as they stood to leave she said we needed to get together soon
I walked with them to the door
and when I told her if they could wait a few minutes I'd like to join them
a look of sheer pleasure lit up her face

the three of us got into the big red truck she was driving
(I don't NEED a truck, but I've always wanted one)
and headed to a different salon than where she took me for my first pedi
we walked into the shop and chose our colors
she got red, again, (we chose almost the same color last time)
Ally picked sparkly blue 
I did something out of character and grabbed sparkly red 

after we were done she said "I think we need dessert"
Ally didn't argue
neither did I
and within minutes we were sitting in Shoney's looking at the dessert menu
they were out of my first choice (hers too)
Ally chose a fresh baked cookie served with icecream
Sharon and I chose Hot Fudge Cake
as I took my first bite of pure, delicious sweetness
I thought about how sweet true friendship is
as I looked at my treat 
I knew I needed a photo of it to use for this post...

my heart is full tonight,
the hunger that has been nagging is temporarily satisfied,
filled by the visit with my sweet "cherry on top" kind of friend

Thank you Sharon 


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