the next 30 years

Akron, Ohio
May 1988
Sarah, Me, Jonathan, Beth, Deborah
 July 1, 1988
30 years ago 
marked the biggest move we'd ever made,
unknowingly, it was the biggest move we would ever make
we left Akron with four children and a dog, 
heading south to Grayson, KY
new job
new home
new people
new culture
but we were facing it together so I was unafraid

Deborah, Beth, Sarah, Jonathan
August 1988
Grayson Lake, Grayson KY
within the first month we found a new church family for our family of 6
it took a year, but we found a new house to make a home for our family of 7
college students began coming to our home, 
growing the sphere of influence in and through our lives
by September 1992 we'd grown to a family of 8
Grayson was a great place to raise our children 

we never really talked much about where we would retire
I grew to expect that we would probably never live anywhere else
turns out I was right
we never will
the kids are all grown, 
have families of their own 
and have moved away
Bill's moved on too
in 30 years we went from a family of 6 to a family of 31
sometimes I sit and wonder what the next 30 years will hold
but most of the time I am too busy living today to dwell on it


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