May 10-July 10, 2018

Two months ago today when I shared one of Bill's dreams that I and KCU wanted to fulfill, I had no idea of the emotional rollercoaster ride I was about to take. All I knew was that there was no way I could do this on my own. Neither could KCU. We needed help. Goal: Raise at least $15,000 to install a flagpole and all that goes with that, between the stadium and baseball field. A few weeks into the fundraising efforts I received a phone call from a friend that caused tears. Our elders and deacons decided at their May meeting that they wanted Oak Grove to be the major contributor to the Flagpole project. June would be set aside for the congregation to give. The church would match donations up to $2,500. June 3rd I shared why this project was important. Andrew made a short video that was shown two weeks later. I got another phone call late last week. Our church did it, and yesterday two of our leaders presented a $5,000 check to KCU. 

I have experienced so many things these last two months. Tears of joy and thankfulness. Memories. Fear that the amount was too large. Humbling moments caused by the shower of support. Overwhelming gratitude fed by expressions of encouragement and love. Excitement as the total grows and the dream gets closer and closer to becoming reality. If you have contributed, no matter what the amount was, thank you, thank you, thank you. The project is almost fully funded. If you have intended to make a donation and haven't, you can mail a check to KCU or use this link to make an online donation.

KCU Flagpole Project


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