life with littles

fingerprints on the storm door windows
hand prints on walls
spills on floors
unexpected critters in the laundry hamper
this guy was hiding amidst some laundry and startled me 

when I found it I jumped and almost screamed
then I tried to remember why I thought keeping
a spider beanie baby was a good idea 

"Do you want hear my story?"
"Will you take us to the park?"
arms reaching up to be held
sticky kisses and hugs
unexpected lunch guests

I didn't have to cook for them though,
the girls served their guests special sandwiches
low calorie, high fiber and cheap, 54 for a dollar
"Feel my loose tooth."
"Will you go outside with me?"
"I pulled my own tooth by myself!"
"Can I have a snack please?"
"Grandma, I love you."

life with littles can be busy
it can be loud and messy
but life with littles in it is a sweet life


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