3 &4/365 2020 vision quest

yesterday I was sure of my "word" for 2020.
I knew it had to be focus 
and yet I also wondered if it might be clarity
or vision
or discipline

Yesterday my reading in Luke included the parable about a rich man who had an abundant year. The yield was so large his barns wouldn't hold it all. His solution: tear down the old barns and build bigger ones, then he'd be able to live a life of ease for a long time.
Jesus' warning:“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”
My takeaway: when I have a surplus, don't hoard, share.
Or, "when you have more than you need, build a longer table."
A review of an old lesson, simply a reminder. Done.

Today the teaching was about worry. How we aren't supposed to worry. Worry doesn't change things for the better. Consider the birds of the air, the flowers in the field. God takes care of them all. He knows what we need.
Trust Him, seek His kingdom first and watch Him provide what I need.

Again, a review. I've learned pray when worry comes knocking on my door. Why? Because I trust God to take care of it, whatever "it" is. He has proven Himself faithful time after time. He has never failed.

"God owns it all, honor Him with it" was my quick summary of the last two days as I prepared to move on. Things got uncomfortable when my eyes were drawn back to yesterday's reading and combined with today's. That lesson is true and applicable. But a deeper truth hit me square between the eyes.

I also knew why I haven't been able to settle on a word.
I've been looking at the wrong ones. 

My word for this year is downsize

Downsize: make smaller

I need to quit building bigger barns to store or hide my "stuff" in. I don't think this is a premonition that I will be selling my home or disposing of a large amount of my possessions. Rather, I am convinced it has more to do with me

I know, without a doubt, that in order to end this year physically healthy there needs to be less of me to love by the end of 2020. (translation: I need to lose weight. I also need to lose my excuses for why I am not regularly exercising.)

The unread books filling my bookcase need to be read or given away.

The unwritten curriculum that rattles around in my head should be written.

The home maintenance items I keep putting off need to be done. 

Unrealistic expectations need to be adjusted or released.

Good intentions need to be carried out.

Desired, needed visits with friends and family need to find their place on my calendar.

The amount of time I spend mindlessly playing games on my phone or computer, scrolling Facebook, etc. most assuredly could be downsized-and that time could be invested in relationships or in taking care of some of the things I listed above.

God owns it all. 
My possessions.
My body.
My time.
My talents.
My abilities.
In order to honor Him, downsizing is necessary.


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