chance meeting? I think not.

I cannot explain it. 
But since I made the decision to come to Georgia I've gotten braver. 
Only God can do that. 

The other day Deborah and I passed this park and I saw the statues but was too far away to take a photo and I was too tired to walk closer. I asked her what they were and she told me they are traditional Georgian dancers. Since then going back to get a photo has been on mental to do list. Today's sunny afternoon called me to adventure out for that purpose, with or without Deborah. She had things she needed to do so I went out alone. My destination was closer than I thought so after snapping this picture I walked farther away from the apartment.

There are always people walking the streets.
Lots of people.
But the chances I'd see someone I know in the Republic of Georgia are next to zero.

But God.

Today He arranged it so my path would cross with the director of the Bible College whom I met at church last Sunday and again at prayer meeting Tuesday night. He actually saw me first and stopped to talk. Walking away from that conversation was exhilarating. Not because we talked about great things, but because I am in a foreign country, ventured out by myself again AND engaged in a conversation outside the comfort zone of church or someone's home.

I'm not sure how far it is to the Metro where I turned around and headed back to the apartment, but it was far enough I needed to sit on a bench and rest a bit before marching up five flights of stairs.
Guess who walked past me with his wife!
Only God.

I don't know what God is up to, but I am definitely experiencing the truth that when He calls you to do something, especially outside of your comfort zone, He provides everything you need to be able to do it.


  1. Thats so awesome. Good for you for going for it.


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