kidney stones

"This too shall pass" is a joke I have heard several times since I was diagnosed with a kidney stone Saturday night.

I smile, and hope it is true, but those words do nothing to shorten the painful experience. No one can make it better, I just have to get through it, straining urine and all. I am thankful for pain medications.

It reminds me of grieving.

It is a process you just have to get through. Well meaning words do nothing to shorten the painful experience. No one can make it all better. You just have to get through it. And sometimes there is messiness involved in getting through it. (I am thankful for the Holy Spirit so we don't have to face it alone.)

Pain. Messes. They are a part of our lives here. One day, though, heaven and no more pain, no more sorrow, no more mess, and maybe no more lame jokes:)


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