just a glimpse

There has been more snow and cold this winter in Northeastern Kentucky than there has been in the 23 years we have lived here.
And it is only the middle of January.

And yet, it is only the middle of January and today I caught a glimpse of the hope of spring.

I was travelling on I-64 to Ashland for a doctor appointment and I glanced to the left side of the road. I don't know what I saw, but I immediately thought "Spring is coming!"
Maybe it was nothing more than seeing the sun after so many days of cloudy skies.

Sometimes just a glimpse is all we need to gain the courage to take one more step.

If you are going through a long, cold winter or a dry, hot summer season in life I am praying the Son grants you "just a glimpse" of whatever it takes to encourage you today.

Spring is coming!
(And one day so is He.)


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