
Bob is an orphan.

Bob grew up in an orphanage.

Bob is 80 some years old.

Bob is legally blind and cannot live on his own.

My son met Bob several years ago when Jonathan was helping build a house for Bob's friend Larry and Larry's mom.

Due to life changing events Bob is now part of our family.
My son lives with Bob so that Bob does not have to live in a nursing home.

Bob became a Christian December 29, 2009.
Bob is no longer an orphan.
Bob explained it best when he shared part of his testimony at church a few weeks ago.
It went something like this:
"I want to thank all of you for making me a part of your family. Until I made the choice to be a Christian, all those years of my life were a waste of time. I want to serve God from now on."

Thank you Bob for the reminder.


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