
School was called off in Carter County again due to snow today.
Here in town in Grayson we got less than 1/4 of an inch.
I don't know if some of the surrounding hills got more.
I don't know if the authorities assumed the snow would continue.
We are supposed to get 4-6" by morning.

I have read many comments about it on Face Book today.
None of them complimentary.

Truth is, we are on the east side of the county.
The west side seems to always get hit harder than we do.
All of the comments were posted by people from the east side of the county.
Maybe the west side didn't get any more than we did.
Either way, the decision was made.
No amount of complaining will change it.

And we didn't get any more snow.

How many of us would make different decisions if we knew then what we know now?

And if we did that, we are assuming that things would turn out better "if only".

I know that if school had not been called off and we had received the 4-6" during the day people would be posting ugly things, assuming the authorities don't care about the safety of our students.

I don't see how anyone benefits.


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