prayers and snow

Does God have favorites?

I see a little boy praying for snow so he can go sled riding for the first time.
I see a mom praying her "little boy" makes it home as he drives in the snow for the first time.

I see a man praying he makes it home to his family safely, wishing it hadn't snowed.
I see a man praying, thanking God for the snow so he can make money to provide for his family.

I see a teen aged girl praying for the snow to stop so she can go back to school. She would like to graduate before it is time to start college in the fall.
I see a woman praying for just a few more snow days so she can be completely recovered from her surgery and go back to teaching.

What do you think.
Does God have favorites?

Or do you think it may be
He finds delight in hearing all of our prayers?


  1. well I think this year Gods Favorites are the ones praying for the snow and the people who are praying for it to stop must not b :) bc we have had so much snow this winter lol You know being someones favorite is so human nature. I mean in a family structure it is always said that every parent has his or her fav you know so bc its a human thing lol I would say God would want us to not have favs but to treat all equal :) lol God's like that you know :)


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