chosen and unchosen

A friends response to yesterdays blog,
(she talked about family favorites),
has led to today's topic;
Chosen and Unchosen.

Ask Andrew about this and he will be quick to tell you the following:
In our family there are three chosen children and three unchosen.

Deborah is chosen because she is so athletic.

Jonathan is chosen because he almost died when he was being born.

Ruth is chosen because she is the baby.

That leaves Elizabeth, Sarah and Andrew as unchosen.

The truth is, all of them are chosen!

Bill and I chose to be parents.

God chose to bless us with this particular mix of children to love and parent.

We are blessed and I wouldn't choose to trade any of them for anything!
If I thought any of them really felt unchosen, it would break my heart.

God is like that.
God chose to create each one of us.

He loves us.

He wants to be our Father.

He loves us so much He chose to send Jesus
so we could choose to be one of His children.

We get to choose whether or not we want Him to be our Father.
(Our children didn't get to choose us as their parents.)

It must break His heart-
that many times He is the unchosen One.


  1. i understand that hmm it makes u kinda sad :(

  2. as one of the unchosen...I loved this. Thanks for loving me :)


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