
It seems I have spent a good deal of my life waiting.

As a child I eagerly waited for the next weekend, the next holiday, school break or time to start back to school.

As a teenager I eagerly waited for that special someone to notice me.

As an engaged woman I eagerly waited for my wedding day.

As a young woman I eagerly waited for the stick to turn whatever color it turned way back then to let me know I was going to be a mommy.

As a pregnant woman I eagerly waited for my due date to approach- and 4 out of 5 pregnancies I saw it pass and I continued to wait until the baby was ready to come.

As a mother I eagerly waited for the first smile, the first tooth, the first step, the first word, the first "I love you", the first day of school...

As a wife I eagerly wait for time alone with my husband.

As a friend I eagerly wait for opportunities to visit.

As a patient I have eagerly waited for surgery dates and then more eagerly waited for healing to be complete.

As a teacher I eagerly wait for "ah-ha" moments for my students.

As a student I eagerly wait for the next "ah-ha" moment in my life.

As a Christian I am eagerly waiting for God to call me home!


  1. as a person who loves the mother in you the friend in you the christian in you I so am not looking for you being called home :) I am just saying but what a wonderful blog


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