are you good or bad?

it's hard to see unless you look close-
there's a rainbow in that dark sky
a reminder that God keeps His promises 
and for His children,
one day there will be no more bad
no more pain,
no more sorrow,
no more suffering
one day there will be only good

Friday I wrestled with this post into Saturday's early morning
I have friends who are grieving losses
I have friends who are recovering from surgery
I have friends who are facing unknowns
and I have been thinking about a question that often gets asked at times like these:

"How are you doing?"

and the most common response I've heard (and given) is: 
"I'm okay" or "I'm good" 
even when I am not, even when it is obvious they are not

why do we lie or gloss over or hide the truth?
because judgement can be fierce 
and to be honest can be costly

after Bill died I was vague in my answers to most people
because I learned it was easier to say "I"m okay" or "I'm good"
than it was to guess what answer they would accept without  judgment
or a lecture
or a "pep talk"
or a platitude 
or well intended but worthless advice

I learned it was less stressful to cry in private
because if people see you cry a lot "you aren't doing very good"
and if there is a public ugly cry, 
well if that happens you are doing really, really bad
let's make it safe to cry 

I learned to let a few tears fall where others could see them
because if people don't see you cry "you aren't doing very good"
spoiler alert: no one knows how many tears are shed in private
no one knows how many tears are "enough"
let's make it socially acceptable to be tearless, especially in public

let's normalize responses that aren't "normal"
let's practice listening, simply listening, without needing to "fix it"
let's agree to not compare pain, but rather, acknowledge that all pain hurts

let's make it okay to say "I'm not okay today"
or "I'm really sad"
or "there's an elephant sitting on my chest"
or "I just want to hide"
or "I'm so angry"
or "why?"
or "I don't understand"
or "I'm tired, weary to my bones"
or "I want to run away"
or "I could scream"
or "I miss..."
or "I'd rather not talk about it"
or "I'm having a hard time"
or "I feel guilty for..."
or "this is a good moment"
or "I got ambushed today"
or "I'm scared"

or any number of other things that are real but uncomfortable to hear,
because when someone is hurting,
they shouldn't have to be concerned with comforting you

and while I'm on my soapbox:
let's not judge other people by what we think we would do if we were them
we aren't them
they aren't us
God created us as unique individuals
and no two people, 
not even twins, 
have the same life experiences
and our relationships, 
even shared ones, 
are colored by our individuality
so let's allow each one of us to be ourselves


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