celebrating roots and growth


a friend shared part of her Christmas cactus with me a few months ago
I bought the right soil
I took a terra cotta pot from my shed and filled it
I put the end of the start in the dirt and covered it
I watered it
I put it on the shelf my other Christmas Cactus has been happy on
(see photo below from this week)

I've watched the cutting
and been thankful it didn't wither
I've watered it, again and again,
and waited
and watched

this week I was rewarded
see that almost translucent looking growth coming from the dark green?
it is going to grow
today I sent my friend a message:
Celebrating roots and new growth today!

since I communicated that to her I've recognized something:

it isn't just the Christmas Cacti that are thriving, 
many of my relationships are growing too
it's a beautiful thing to share life with others


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