welcome the newest member of my household

I never, in a million years, would have thought to make this purchase. My baby girl thought it would be a good idea, that it would help me to not go absolutely crazy since I cannot bend, lift, twist or strain and that pretty much takes away any housecleaning. It is a robotic vacuum cleaner. The thing that pushed me over the edge to order it was the fact that I could return it if I didn't like it. 

I heard it struggling the other night. When I went to investigate I found it like this, begging for help. Evidently it doesn't know how to maneuver a bean bag toss.

It does however, find and deliver lost pens:

It will also rearrange things to clean more thoroughly:

It drives itself back to its docking/charging station.
There's no need to plug and unplug it.
My floors are cleaner.
My mind is less distracted by dust bunnies and my shedding hair.
It has exceeded my expectations.
It's official.
He's staying.
Me and Sharky are going to get along just fine.
What? Your vacuum cleaner doesn't have a name?


  1. Mine is Rosey. I don’t know how I ever managed without her. Thanks to my beautiful daughter I just push a button and Rosey goes to work. Andrea said she started to get one that mopped also but realized I would not be satisfied unless I mopped myself 😂


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