Good morning Tuesday

We had all just arrived at an Air BNB in a quaint little seaside town. When I walked through the door I noticed a cute sweater laying on the table. (I wondered if it was a welcome gift and if it was my size.) As I continued through the house I saw more single articles of clothing in odd places. I turned to ask Andrew if we were in the right place (obviously we were or the key wouldn't have worked). There was a sheet draped over the radiant heaters, so evidently the owners didn't want us using them. It wasn't a problem since the temps were in the high 70's, low 80's. He and I saw the spot of jam on the tablecloth at the same time. "Must be a family that lives here and had to get out quick before we came" he said with a smile. The grandkids were playing with the toys that were readily available. I was becoming more comfortable and less concerned that we were in the wrong place. I turned to say something to Bre's parents and was rudely interrupted by incessant banging on the front door.

Just that quick my dream vacation was interrupted. 

I've been sleeping downstairs, so I peaked through the blinds. I didn't see the knocker, but I did spy an electric truck. I was in no condition to say hello to anyone, let alone a stranger, before I brushed my teeth and checked my hair. On my way to the bathroom I stopped in the kitchen to start coffee "just in case". Teeth cleaned and hair passable, I made my way to the front door, opened it and noticed half a dozen utility/internet/cable trucks parked on my little street. Two men were at the end of my driveway talking. They looked up and one came to the door. "You are going to be without power for three or four hours. Is that okay?" (Like I had a choice.) My only request was that they wait long enough for my coffee to brew. He felt that wouldn't be a problem since it would take the workers a few minutes to get everything ready to begin the job. And that my friends, is how I began my morning and get a new electric pole and transformer outside my house. 

I'll be honest. 
I'm a sad my dream vacation was interrupted before we made it down to the beach!
How did your Tuesday begin? 


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