perennial sharing

a red rose bush Bill bought me
peony and irises, whose roots were shared by friends

azaleas, a clearance purchase years ago
wild geraniums, the original plant was found in the woods by a friend, who shared a start with me after hers were established
my honeysuckle blooms began opening today, a plant whose roots came from Bill's Grandma Benedick's house
my beautiful old fashioned cabbage rose, whose sweet scent has been filling the air for a week, was an established plant when we bought our home in 1989
the night flowering jasmine, also original to the house, 
is not blooming now, but history tells me, at the proper time, 
it's scent will also fill the backyard

my clematis will bloom soon  

later this summer wild begonias, a gift from my neighbor, will fill the area the wild geraniums are in now

not shown are the Orange Tiger Lilies, Day Lilies and Black Eyed Susans promising to bloom when their time comes or the Lily of the Valley whose flowers I missed

all of these plants are perennials
none are in my yard by accident
they were intentionally shared and transplanted
they come back year after year
beautifying my space
making me smile
bringing joy

For the last 24 hours I've been thinking about how much richer my life is because of the people who've generously shared part of the beauty in their lives with me. It has me wondering about the things I share freely. I pray I am sharing things that bring perennial beauty, smiles and encouragement.


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