nesting reflections

Anita invited me to join her Sunday for a visit with our friends in Harrodsburg. Kim invited me stay a few days with her family they thought I might need a break from my house and porch. I quickly warmed to the idea and gratefully accepted both invitations. Anita had to leave early Monday morning to get back to Grayson. Kim, her mom and I have sat on her back porch and chatted, sharing life with a cup of coffee in hand. We have laughed, and almost cried.

I've spent a lot of time gazing at that tree in the field and wondering about the life stories it would tell if it could talk. Admiring its beauty. Watching it sway in a graceful dance when the wind blows. 

This morning, fueled by stories June has shared, I am thinking about mommas.

I am wondering about the robin who didn't lay eggs in her nest this year.

I am rooting for the mommas who built their nests in the bushes in front of Kim and David's house: 
one holds the hope of new life, 4 beautiful eggs lay in it.

If birds mourn, I am with the momma who laid five eggs 
but has only three or four babies
newly hatched
safely tucked away,
hidden well from predators,
with a momma who guards them 
who feeds them
doing all she knows to do to take care of them

this morning I am thinking bout how I am all of those mommas
I had an empty nest
I had hopes of eggs developing into babies
I've had some that didn't make it
I did all I knew to do to take care of the ones who did "hatch"
and now, 
now I am back to an empty nest
I haven't abandoned it,
and I am glad my babies learned to use their wings
I am thankful they are listening to God,
doing what He created them to do
but I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish their nests were closer to mine 
and I am thankful for friends who open their nests and welcome me in


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