36 years (and counting) of adventure

thirty six years ago today, 
Tuesday April 8, 1980
the weather in Northeast Ohio was not so different 
from what today's weather in Northeast Kentucky has been
it was rainy and cool

after Bill got home from work we headed to church 
it was "dinner and calling night" 
we were running late so we were rushing
as I rounded the back end of the car I slipped in a mud puddle
and fell flat on my 9 month pregnant belly

I was an angry beaver
because by this time in my pregnancy I had two outfits that fit
and one of them was now covered in mud
thankfully the other one was clean
I went back inside, changed and we went on to church

afterward we went to visit our parents with big news
it was about the baby we were expecting the following week-
we had found out that morning it was two babies
at six months I had asked the doctor I saw if it could possibly be twins
"you are a first time mom, babies move a lot, this is just one big baby"

he was a professional so I thought, "okay, what do I know?"
fast forward to three weeks before I was due
I am seeing my doctor of the three in the practice
and he says to me "I think there may be more than one in there,
I am going to schedule you for an ultrasound"

back in those days ultra sounds were not common, 
and since it wasn't an emergency it took two weeks before I could get in 
as the technician moved the wand over my belly
there they were, two perfect babies
I wanted to see the doc I saw at 6 months and say, "I told you so"

after sharing the good news with our parents we went home
went through our evening routine and went to bed
at about 2:00 AM I woke Bill up-
my water had broke, we grabbed a large towel for me to sit on, 
I climbed up in the tow truck and off to the hospital we went

at 9:42 AM Elizabeth Anne arrived 5lb.12oz. 19"
at 9:44 AM Sarah Christine arrived 7lb.1oz. 19 1/2"
safe, sound, healthy
and our lives as parents began
Elizabeth, Sarah
"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord..."
from Psalm 127:3
what a wonderful adventure motherhood is
Sarah, Me, Beth April 1980
Sarah, Me, Beth July 2015


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