dear weary warrior...

dear weary warrior friend,
our struggles may not be mirrored struggles,
but I recognize the signs of battle fatigue
and I identify with you,
it may seem obvious,
but sometimes the most obvious things need to be spelled out:
warriors fight wars

war is ugly 
war is difficult
war is costly 
war is demanding
war changes us from the inside out
war alters the way we view life
war leaves wounds 
wounds leave scars
some wounds leave us limping
some wounds maim 
some wounds never heal completely this side of heaven

dear weary warrior, 
I see your pain
I see your struggle
I see your frustration
I hear your weariness
I hear your ragged breaths
I hear your cries of desperation
and in spite of, 
or perhaps because of all that
I see you fighting the good fight,
one step at a time going forward

choosing to get out of bed every day
choosing to shower and get dressed 
choosing to get out of the house
choosing to interact with people and invest in their lives
choosing to walk by faith even when you don't "feel" like it
choosing to love those who have added to your pain
choosing life over existence

I am proud to call you friend
I am thankful for your example
thank you for being here for me
thank you for accepting me without conditions
I am thankful we hold one another up,
I vow to continue to walk alongside you as long as I am able to,
I love you 


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