what is real?

what is real?
  • actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed.
So when I read this rhyme in a children's book from the 50's it was easy to recognize that it is a nice thought, but it is not real.

  • (of a substance or thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine.

When you know what is real it is easy to recognize what is not real. That is why occasionally I call out a friend (and have been called out by friends) when the question "How are you" is answered with "Fine" when it is obvious things are not fine.

Real recognizes the truth.
Real doesn't seek to habitually cover up the painful or the ugly or the difficult.
Real releases us to live on a whole new level.

how do we become real?
it takes time
it takes courage
it takes honest self evaluation

why are we afraid to be real?
it is costly
it is humbling
it is dangerous

is there a danger in not being real?
I think there is-
and I am not willing to pay that cost
are you?


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