Treasures to share...

If you came to my house you would be more than welcome to come in, sit awhile and share my treasures but they are hard for some to see unless you know where and how to look.

The first is visible as you approach the driveway entrance.

Those hand and finger prints covering the storm door glass-yes, I see them too, and I have considered getting out the Windex and paper towels. But what you don't see are the faces of Mia and Xavier waiting in the hall for me, palms pressed against the glass. I think I'll leave them there a while longer.

The beach ball out of place behind the couch has a home in the toy closet, but it is a reminder that Benjamin was at the house recently so it will stay where it lays for now.

The raspberries that are ripe for picking are not going to waste. They are waiting on a visit from my Addi bug.

The piles of miscellaneous stuff on the futon in the sewing room are for me to give to my out of town kids or grandkids when I see them next.

The pictures held up by magnets on the fridge and those on the bulletin board in the playroom are masterpieces created by people who love me.

The fifteen bags of topsoil at the front corner of the house are part of the flower garden that is going to be reworked soon.

The dust covering the back porch  is compliments of my three dogs who patrol my yard and protect me.

The 15 year old cell phones you might find tucked away in different places are waiting for one of the grands to return and resume their conversations.

Treasures abound at my house and I am happy to share with you, you just have to know how and where to look.


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