Friday night lights

Friday night lights.

The last time I was in the stands for a High School football game was when Andrew played. He is 28. It has been a few years. The last time I watched Andrew play, I was sitting by Bill cheering loud and proud, occasionally needing to put my hand on his knee and say, "Now Bill..." The last time I sat by his side was 37 months ago. For the last three years Friday the 29th has typically not been an emotionally friendly combination for me. And yet, yesterday, Friday September 29th I was excitedly sitting in the visitor's section of a high school football game by myself, wearing purple, cheering loud and proud, opposite a large sea of orange. And I did not know a single player.

Because one of my sons was a coach for the visiting team. It wasn't the first time I watched him on the football field. But it was the first time I saw him on the field in this role. Jabriel played free safety for KCU. Every home game Bill and I sat in the stands watching him play. We even made it to a few away games. He was a team captain his senior year. Time changes things. Now Jabriel has a wife and two beautiful kids. Last night after the game he had one of his players take our picture. He introduced me as Mom. The young man smiled and said, "he's my dad so I guess that makes you my grandma." 

This is my son Coach Jabriel. He spent a lot of time in our home when he was a student. The summer he stayed with us we learned that he's a good cook as well as a good football player ! He was one of Andrew's groomsmen and another big brother to Ruth.
After the game I said, "I am so proud of you. And you know if Pops was here he'd be right here beside me." 
Jabriel smiled, though tears were starting to gather, and said, "That's the last thing he said to me." I said what? Jabriel replied, "That's the last thing Pops said to me. He saw me in the cafeteria and put his arm around me and said 'I'm proud of you son.' I'll always carry that with me." 
I had no idea. 
am thankful for the game that is played under Friday Night Lights and I love how God used that game to expand our family. Jabriel is just one of my sons the game has given me.


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