Happy Birthday to me!
How did I celebrate turning 62?
- I spent time with people I love, doing things I love.
- Waking up thankful one of my children was able to be here with me.
- Beginning the day quietly in God's presence, then joining a friend for a five and half hour meeting creating content for small groups.
- Accepting a ministry opportunity that will require uncomfortable growth, including but not limited to, learning new skills and exercising self discipline.
- Reading many, many birthday messages sent via Facebook and texts.
- A Happy Birthday video.
- Phone calls wishing me a Happy Birthday.
- Answering my phone a few times, only to be greeted with the Happy Birthday song sung by people whose love for me may or may not exceed their natural talent, and love made the singing beautiful.
- Shopping and dinner with Deborah. (Her first trip to Fat Patty's)
- Brownies and icecream with her and her family when we arrived home.
- Laughter (and a slight amount of fear) at the size of the fire on the brownies.
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