Johnson Creek

Today was the second annual Ladies Retreat of Oak Grove.
I missed going last year because of a previous commitment and almost didn't go today because I had so much work to do at home.

I am so glad I went.

Thirteen women of various ages and interests were bound together for a few hours as we shared good food at Roni's family home place that includes a beautifully restored log cabin.
The best part though came when we opened God's Word and shared from it. Tammy started us off with a discussion about how we approach our food and ended with "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Fern addressed our need to pray and guided us in prayer especially for our country. Roni closed by sharing about the wonderful enduring, everlasting love of God for us.

What a blessing I would have missed if I had chosen to stay home and do laundry, housework and homework.

Amazingly I was able to finish my work at church and get most of my homework done this evening after I got home.

The rest will still be here Monday.

Today was a good lesson on making choices with eternal benefits.


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