leaving a legacy

Several years ago I was asked to speak at a ladies luncheon.
The theme was "Leaving a Legacy".
As I prayed and studied and wrote and spoke to my daughter Sarah I realized that sometimes we have to leave a legacy to leave a legacy.


So was I!

Before this, when I heard the term "Leave a Legacy" I immediately thought about what got handed down to me and how it affected my life. I didn't want to leave that kind of legacy for my children. As I prepared for the talk I realized that those of us who have been handed down an unhealthy legacy have to leave it behind and begin a new legacy.

Examine your life-
If you were handed down a healthy legacy, pass it on.
If you were handed down an unhealthy legacy, do not use that as an excuse to continue unhealthy life choices. Leave that kind of legacy behind so you can leave a behind a legacy worth passing on!


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