
Tonight I watched Ruth's high school soccer team clinch a coveted position-
for the first time in the school's history we hold first place in our district.

Was this honor simply handed to them?

No- they have practiced long and hard.
It has been a goal all season.
They have put aside personal goals and worked together as a team.
They have given up some "pleasures" to pursue excellence.

Are we celebrating?

I know what my goal is.
I know the position I covet.
I want to stand in the presence of God, unashamed.

So, I sit here at my computer tonight and ask myself-
What am I training for?
Am I practicing righteousness persistently?
Am I putting aside personal goals and working together with other believers to further God's Kingdom?
Am I giving up earthly pleasures to pursue Him?
That is the only way to gain something precious-
hearing, after this life ends,
"Well done, good and faithful servant."


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