
I hate to be surprised, but I like surprises!
Translation- surprise parties, with me as the guest of honor are NOT on my list of favorite things to be involved in.
On the other hand, getting a letter the old fashioned way-via snail mail (USPS); a card on an ordinary day; a small (or big) gift for no particular reason or receiving a gift I have absolutely no idea about on a special day are high on my list of favorite things.
I also like to surprise others with those same things that make my heart smile.

I wonder if that is how God felt when He decided to send Jesus as a baby?
Talk about a surprise!
Who would have envisioned God sending our Saviour as an infant to be raised by a teen aged mother and a carpenter father?
Who would have thought that our victory over death would involve Jesus dying on a cross for us?
Who would have expected God to entrust us with the privilege and responsibility of sharing the wonderful message of the Gospel?

I am glad that God's ways are not my ways.

I am surprised and thankful that He wants to use me.

I am looking forward to the next thing He chooses to surprise me with.


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