wait a minute...

How many of you have been the victim of this infamous statement?

How many of you have been the perpetrator?

My husband is watching the end of a football game right now. I know that if I say "goodnight, I love you" and go on to bed he will say "I love you, be there in a minute."
I also know these last two minutes of the game can easily stretch out for at least fifteen minutes !

I also know that if I am writing or reading and he says "good night, I love you" and heads to bed it is senseless for me to say "be there in a minute."

When we are the one waiting, even a real minute can seem to last as long as a football minute.

When we are involved in an activity our "wait a minute" (or some variation) can easily become a half hour.

Lesson- if we are waiting, do so patiently or find something to get involved in so your patience isn't tested!

If you are the one saying "wait a minute" or "Be there in a minute", be mindful of those waiting.

"Treat other people the way you want to be treated."

Wait a minute...
what if they don't treat me well, does that mean I can mistreat them back?

Well, I guess if you want to be mistreated you can-
because it all comes back to the truth that you are responsible for your actions and reactions.

You are responsible to forgive as you have been forgiven.

Wait a minute- that is not fair!

You would be right if you say that-
because the forgiveness God extends to us isn't fair- but He extends it anyway.

Wait a minute before you respond to a trying situation-
thank God He is patient and forgiving with you and ask Him to enable you to do the same for others.


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