
Yesterday, I, along with 13 other soccer parents, fed about 600 people (two different shifts) a pulled pork dinner we were hired to cater.

Tuesday three of us cooked and pulled 200 pounds of pork loin and when all was said and done, ended up mixing in about 10 gallons or more of BBQ sauce. That is a lot of pork.
Needless to say, I don't care if I see pork again in the near future.

This morning I started a new medicine.

Not sure if it is the last three days, culminating in a 6:30AM to 11:30PM day yesterday or the new meds, but today has not been one of my better days.

Today, sprite has been my best friend.

It is amazing how something I rarely want becomes a craving when I don't feel well.

Kind of like the way I used to treat God.

If life was going good, I really did not think much about Him and how refreshing being with Him can be.

But if life got tough I wanted Him around.

I am thankful He has patiently and gently wooed me, to the point that I crave Him everyday. Even more than I was craving Sprite today!

He is always refreshing, always good for whatever is ailing me.


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