finding my way

finding my way
one day at a time,
sometimes "this moment" at a time
doing my best to keep eternity in mind,
as I visit memories-
sometimes by choice,
sometimes ambushed,
as I make decisions here and now
and as I slowly, hesitantly, cautiously contemplate future plans

walking by faith
because I cannot see the road ahead
walking with confidence
because I know and trust the One who does
walking with a limp because I am wounded
walking steadfastly because I have a Healer
walking haltingly, when my eyes are blurred by tears
walking in circles when I spend too much time looking behind me
walking slowly, embracing and holding tight to the joy of life

stumbling occasionally,
when I run ahead 
when I need to rest, but don't
and especially when I get distracted and allow feelings to be my guide
I am continuing to learn this new gait,
while gradually, surely moving forward
walking still unfamiliar paths,
finding my way
as me

not we


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